Gratitude and goals

Firstly I would like to say thank you! I got some amazing responses to my little confession. I think nights, like many other people are a big problem for me. I can eat well all day and then its 10pm and the ice cream is calling my name! But I know how to fix that 😉 don`t buy the ice cream! lol enough of that though.

The love of the blogging community is amazing and I really appreciate every single comment.

That is the gratitude part of the post. Now for the goals.

So the picture I posted this morning sort of hinted at a couple of goals that I have for this month. One of those things is that I will set new goals. I discussed this with my boyfriend today and realized that like many people after a competition, the lack of structure is going to lead to bad things for me. So how do I introduce structure back into my life without dieting? Well, like Miss Lisa over at I think this should be a `lifestyle`and not a diet. But I also recognize that I am goal oriented and that I need to ease out of the structured eating otherwise I will go way overboard.

So GOALS … but not just any goals… SMART goals.

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-based

Goal #1: Run a 10 km race and an obstacle race (like Tough Mudder, Zombie Race, or the Spartan Race) by the end of July 2013

Goal #2: Climb a mountain in 2013 with my boyfriend. Options include, Machu Picchu or Kilimanjaro depending on the amount of time off we can get from work

Goal #3: Compete in my second fitness event before the end of 2013 (I have to decide which one and in what category, but I am leaning towards figure and the Toronto Pro Supershow)

All of the goals will need plans and specific steps to keep me moving towards them and to actually achieve them. Since both my boyfriend and I LOVE planning (him to a ridiculous extent, me to a more reasonable one… love you babe) this will be no problem. I’m pretty sure he has already ordered some travel brochures for the climb and started looking up races to do together.

Also, I think I will be joining in on She’s Losing It’s Blogger Challenge since I had already planned on writing my goals today.

6 thoughts on “Gratitude and goals

  1. I’m not quite as dedicated as you yet – but I totally need a goal to motivate me to get up and go, even if I have good intentions, unless I have a specific event to focus on(a half marathon/charity) I give up too early – I can’t just do it to look / feel good. My only target right now is – bikini, so I’m going to follow your lead now and come up with some new goals!
    Thank you 🙂

  2. Pingback: Goals for November « PRIMAL COMPETITOR

  3. Pingback: Strategies and plans | On The Go Fitness

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