What I Ate Wednesday

So I know you are supposed to take pictures of the food you ate on Tuesday and post it on Wednesday, but I totally forgot and then saw a whack load of WIAW posts and was all… OOOOooooOOOOoooo I can still do this. So this is a WIAW of what I actually ate on Wednesday 🙂


!/2 Avo, 3 thin slices (about 150 grams) of Peameal bacon, 1 pan roasted tomato and fried in a smidge of butter

1/2 Avo, 3 thin slices (about 150 grams) of Peameal bacon, 1 pan roasted tomato and fried in a smidge of butter

Morning “Snack” which I definitely forgot to pack and thus was stuck drinking lots o’ water and my yummy coffee – don’t do this!

Coffee with 1 pkg splenda and about a tbsp of coconut cream (the stuff at the top of the can)

Coffee with 1 pkg splenda and about a tbsp of coconut cream (the stuff at the top of the can)


This was to show that there is in fact fish buried beneath those veggies. Red snappedr (wild caught) in fact

This was to show that there is in fact fish buried beneath those veggies. Red snapper (wild caught) in fact

Stirfried veggies: zucchini, onion, red pepper, baby bok choy and some garlic

Stirfried veggies: zucchini, onion, red pepper, baby bok choy and some garlic

Afternoon Snack

My favourite protein powder: BioX Power Whey in Rocky Road and 2 baby cukes

My favourite protein powder: BioX Power Whey in Rocky Road and 2 baby cukes

Pre workout stuff

I love this brand, they taste delicious. That's Revolution Nutrition's BCAAs and L-Carnitine

I love this brand, they taste delicious. That’s Revolution Nutrition’s BCAAs and L-Carnitine

Dinner – I took pictures of the cooking to show that I almost NEVER cook just one portion of things. I don’t do a massive food prep like lots of people do on Sundays, instead I just double, triple or quadruple whatever I am having for dinner.

Grainy mustard for the chicken. I got this at the St. Lawrence and LOVE it

Grainy mustard for the chicken. I got this at the St. Lawrence and LOVE it

The finished product, just 1/3rd of what I cooked

The finished product, just 1/3rd of what I cooked

Lots of baby bok choy, one of my favourite veggies

Lots of baby bok choy, one of my favourite veggies

3 very large chicken breasts (they were about 200 grams eeach!)

3 very large chicken breasts (they were about 200 grams each!)

Sauteeing some garlic, onions and mushrooms

Sauteeing some garlic, onions and mushrooms

So because I forgot my snack I actually under ate despite the gigantic chicken breast for dinner. I may make some protein sludge a la Muffin Topless before bed to make up some of the calories. If you are hungry on a diet, you’re doing it wrong!

So totals for the day:

Calories – 1160 (way under my allotted 1500 – 1700 – not good) Protein – 135 grams (spot on) Fat – 53 grams (good) Carbs – 33 grams (Holy crap! What?)

Oh and I also did a 20 minute run, which was supposed to be 30 minutes but I was super drained (possibly from the complete lack of carbs and the missed morning snack) and stepped off at 22 minutes. Followed by a KILLER leg workout where I set a new PR of 185 pound squat 6RM! You should have seen the smile on my face! However I tried to follow that up with deadlifts which seems mysteriously difficult after that… hmmmm.

5 thoughts on “What I Ate Wednesday

    • Highly!!! They are the best. I have 3 plus a mini one. Just make sure that you rinse them out well after using protein powder, especially in the crevice in the lid because it catches the whey and gets smelly.

  1. Read “your story”… wow! You are very much an inspiration! Keep up the great work & hope you do better with adding the necessary calories/carbs, moving forward! It really helps with your workouts, as I’m sure you know! Also, thanks for the S/O on the related article!

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